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The Nagaland State Legal Services Authority (NSLSA) under the aegis of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) will be conducting the 1st Quarterly National Lok Adalat (People’s Courts) sitting in all the district headquarters on March 12. This is the 1st Quarterly National Lok Adalat to be held in 2022-2023. 

A total of 11 Lok Adalat Benches at District Court premises will be set up by the District Legal Services Authority (DLSAs).

Lok Adalat is one of the alternative dispute redressal mechanisms and a forum where cases pending in the court of law or at the pre-litigation stage are settled or compromised speedily and amicably. NLA is held quarterly and has benefited the citizens with the privilege of settling disputes free of cost all across the State. 

Persons having dispute/ cases (pre-litigation and pending) on Civil, matrimonial, MACT and petty offense cases to come forward, on the day or submit their disputes before the date at DLSA front offices, District Court building and NSLSA member Secretary Office, DC Office Compound or contact 0370-2290153 or email us at nslsa.nagaland@gov.in

The disposal Data of each DLSAs will be further uploaded on the web portal of the State Authority at nslsa.nagalandgov.in.

During the 4th Quarterly, 'National Lok Adalat' held on December 11 across the State in concert with the rest of the country, a total of 212 cases/disputes were disposed of out of 736 with a Settlement amount of Rs. 3,08,64,322/- (three crore eight lakhs sixty four thousand three hundred twenty-two) only.