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The Department of Higher and Technical Education, Nagaland, has issued comprehensive guidelines for establishing private universities in the state. The notification aligns with the University Grants Commission's (UGC) "Establishment and Maintenance of Standards in Private Universities Regulations, 2003." The guidelines detail procedures, requirements, and commitments for potential sponsoring bodies aiming to set up private universities.

Key highlights of the guidelines.

  1.  Eligibility of Sponsoring Bodies:

Sponsoring bodies must be registered as: Societies under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Public Trusts under relevant laws or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 and Companies under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013.

  1. Application Process: Proposals for private universities must be submitted to the Department of Higher Education with a detailed project report (DPR) and a non-refundable fee of ₹2,00,000. The application undergoes review at both departmental and state levels.
  2. Mandatory Proposal Details:

Proposals should include: Objectives, location, and justification for the university, Proposed academic programs, fee structures, and provisions for socially or economically disadvantaged groups (minimum 25% reserved seats), Land availability, infrastructural plans, and financial outlays for the first five years.

Compliance commitments to UGC norms and inclusion of state government representatives on university governing bodies.

  1.  Approval Process: Applications will be scrutinized by committees at departmental and state levels, with inspections conducted for feasibility and compliance. Proposals meeting all requirements will be forwarded for final approval within three months.
  2. Letter of Intent (LoI): Upon approval, the state government may issue an LoI, requiring sponsoring bodies to: Establish a permanent endowment fund of ₹3 crore, Procure at least 25 acres of land, Develop essential infrastructure, including administrative and academic buildings, and invest in learning resources worth ₹10 lakh.
  3. Legislative Enactment: After fulfilling LoI conditions, a bill for the establishment of the university will be introduced in the state legislature for approval and gazette notification.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Universities must adhere to UGC norms, obtain necessary approvals for programs from regulatory bodies, and achieve National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accreditation within five years of establishment.
  5. Annual Obligations: Newly established universities must submit annual reports and audit reports to the Department of Higher Education. Additionally, ₹250 per student will be contributed annually to the state government.

These measures aim to ensure quality higher education and robust regulatory oversight, fostering academic excellence and infrastructure development in Nagaland. The guidelines emphasize inclusivity, accountability, and adherence to national standards in higher education.

For detailed information, interested parties may contact the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Nagaland, Kohima.


(Takumpula, IA)