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In order to promote and make the Hornbill Festival to a more eventful festival, the Chiechama Coffee Growers in collaboration with the Land Resource Development put forth an innovative idea by initiating an event called "Farm to Cup- The Journey of Coffee Beans" as the newest entrant to "The Heritage Basket" introduced by Chiechama Village few years back to showcase its culture, traditional values and practices. 

A complimentary certified organic coffee is being served to the visitors and tourists at the venue.

The Heritage Basket implies inheriting unique culture and practices from our forefathers by the present generation. It also means to protect, preserve, promote, and pass on its traditional values to the next generation. During this time of festival, indigenous games dominate the event. 

The village is endowed with a vast tract of land. For that reason, vegetation is very common as new lands with fertile soils are in abundance. Pumpkins, chillies, cucumbers, and maize are known for their widely existing crops. 

At present, there are 27 coffee growers in the village reportedly to be certified in accordance with the National Programme for Organic Production. Coffee was first grown in the village during the 1980's, however, it was abandoned due to lack of demand and marketing facilities.

However, coffee plantation began to sprout again in 2018. At present, there are about 80,000 coffee plants in the village covering an area of more than 80 acres. 

People with no permanent source of income for sustenance are being motivated and encouraged to go back to the roots as Agri. & allied sector is the mainstay of our livelihood. Furthermore, employment opportunity in the State is shrinking, and the State Government is not in a position to employ all its educated unemployed youths as the opportunity of getting employment in the government sector has already reached the saturation point, said by a coffee grower. 

The Association thanked the Department for financial assistance and mentioned that they aim for better marketing facilities and coordination with the entrepreneurs.  


(Nongozo Rikha, Asst. Director)