iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In continuation of Transport Department's Notification of even number dated 14.12.2021 and in the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Nagaland is pleased to notify that:

Extension for another period of 6 (six) months of Booked Choice Vehicle Registration Number shall be made I (one) week before the expiry of the initial 6 (six) months validity. Where no extension is sought and obtained, such number hall be presumed expired and shall be open to the allotment to any applicant.

In case of booked choice numbers whose validity has been extended, the vehicle shall be produced within the 6 (six) months extended period. Where (the applicant fails to produce the vehicle for registration within the period of extended time, the number shall be allotted to any other applicant.