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The 70th All India Cooperative Week Celebration was observed under the theme “Role of Cooperatives in $ 5 Trillion Economy and SDGs” at DRDA Conference Hall, Mon on 14th November 2023 with EAC Mon, N Nyamok Konyak as the guest of honor.

The guest of honor in her speech stated that Cooperative Societies is the key factor for economic empowerment, especially for the rural community. She also encouraged the Agri & allied Departments of Mon to protect the interest of the cooperative societies. She called upon the gathering to know the role, rights and responsibilities and take active part. She also encouraged the gathering to come forward not only at the local level but also at the national level.

ARCS Mon, Mapususang Ao delivered the keynote address where he encouraged everyone to join hands and work out together for the upliftment and betterment of Cooperative Societies not only in Mon district but in and around the State. During the second session, a PowerPoint presentation was presented by Nungshiyanger, ICS. 

Tsijungshe, SRCS chaired the programme and vote of thanks which was delivered by Chingo Konyak, ICS.  The programme was organised by the Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies Mon.

