APC, Nagaland, Y. Kikheto Sema, IAS, representing the State attended the 25th Regional Committee Meeting of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) through Video Conference on the 11th of December, 2021. The meeting was chaired by DR. T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR, and attended by the senior Govt of India officials, Vice Chancellors, heads of ICAR institutions, scientists and officers of Agriculture & Allied Departments of the North-East Region (NER). Kikheto commented that even after 59 years of Statehood, there is no worth mentioning National or Regional Institute in the State of Nagaland and appealed to consider the following proposals:
1. College of Agriculture under Central Agriculture University (CAU), at State Agriculture Research Station (SARS) Yisemyong, Mokokchung.
Kikheto stated that about 70 % of the State’s population is engaged agriculture, out of which 73% is under jhum agriculture, which is neither economically viable nor ecologically sustainable. However, it cannot stop jhum cultivation, hence there is a need of College of Agriculture specializing in Upland or Hill agriculture technologies which will benefit not only Nagaland but the entire hill region of United States of NE India. SARS,Yisemyongis located at 1050 above mean sea level and having 132 ha. of State Government land.
2. Regional Centre for Soil & Water Conservation at State Soil & Water Conservation Training Research and Demonstration Instituteat Sechu, Zubza, Kohima.
The APC spelled out the need to conserve soil and water and creation of water bodies like ponds, spring sheds, revival of springs, rain water harvesting, check dams, etc. He also stated that after 58 years of Statehood the Union Government has recently sanction for Soil testing Labs (STLs) in all the 11 districts and Mini STLs in all the 74 blocks of the State. He therefore proposedfor a Regional Centre for Soil &Water Conservation to be established at Sechu-Zubza where the Soil & water Conservation Research and Training Centre having sufficient area of 21 hectares. By this intervention, it would provide a platform to conduct basic and applied research in the field of soil & water Conservation in NER.
3. Regional Livestock Centre on pigs at Zunheboto.
Nagas are mostly non-vegetarian and mostly pork lovers, the requirement being met through imports from other states. It was estimated that meat worth about Rs. 1,000 crores are imported annually to meet the local requirement. Therefore, it is proposed for Regional Livestock Centre on pigs at Zunheboto district, which is centrally located in the State where pig feeds can be easily procured and processed even from nearby districts also.
4. Establishment of an Organic Hub with quality control facilities.
The State is by and large organic by default. However, there are no Institutes established to facilitate and screen for the quality parameters including certification body. The normal organic certification process takes three years. However, jhum fields remain productive only for two years during which most of the vegetables are produced. Therefore, possibility of certifying as organic after two years was also proposed.
5. Naga Integrated Settled Farming (NiSF)
Kikheto also urged the August House about adopting the Naga Model of Integrated Settled Farming. He stated that NiSF should be adopted by all the Agri. & Allied departments in a cluster mode. The most important factor under this model is the availability of water. The components includes agriculture, horticulture, plantation crops, livestock, fisheries, sericulture, post- processing plants, farm roads, power connectivity etc, forming into an economic or business hub, where the educated unemployed can also gainfully participate, ultimately turning into an Agro-eco tourism.
He also informed that already this model is being implemented at Boke-Botsa under Kohima District as a pilot project and if Government of India promotes this model, jhum areas can be reduced and forest protected, thereby increasing ecological services.
Kikheto also stated that most of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes and policies are designed for the mainland India as one-size-fits-all programmes. Therefore the policy makers and scientist should also focus on NER specific schemes. Even there is much variation in cost norms for hilly regions because of the topographical challenges.
He also proposed for a Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) for the new district of Noklak. He further assured that the States’ Agri. & Allied departments will continue to closely work with ICAR and KVKs for the benefit of the farming community.