iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner, Tseminyu, Dr. Zasekuolie, Chusi IAS has notified that the Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services, Nagaland, Kohima will be conducting a Basic Fire Fighting & Safety Audit on 21st June 2022 at the Town Hall Tseminyu from 9 am onwards.

DC informed this training will be held in 2 (two) sessions for different groups of stakeholders. The following participants as listed here have been requested to make it convenient to attend the training as per the session's slot indicated.

Morning Session 9 am to 12 pm

1.      2 (Two) Representative each from

2.      All state government offices in Tseminyu

3.      All central offices/Bank (SBI, Baroda & Cooperative)

4.      All government & private schools in Tseminyu Town Area

5.      Health Centre (CHC, PHC)


Afternoon session 1 pm to 4 pm

1.      2 (Two) Representatives each from 

2.      Villages nearby Tseminyu, Town.

3.      Theological College and Religious Institution (Churches/Temple/Mosque in Tseminyu Town Area

4.      All GBs of Tseminyu, Town Wards

5.      Tseminyu Traders Union/Shops/High-rise building in Tseminyu, Town

6.      Rengma Hoho, Rengma Mother Associations, Rengma Selo Zi, Rengma Students Union.


(APRO Tseminyu)