iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

“Dear Citizens of Nagaland,

A total of 674 samples have been sent for testing from the State till date, and results of 661 samples have been received and all have been tested as negative. The results for the remaining 13 samples are awaited. Today a total of 1397 persons have been screened and a total of 21 persons are under Facility Quarantine.

I would like to inform that the State Government has issued an order today stating that, all the existing guidelines with regard to the Lockdown in all the parts of the State issued vide an order  dated 20/04/2020;  will continue to remain operative till issuance of fresh guidelines.

In connection with the Lockdown I would once again like to remind every farmer that agricultural activities are completely exempt from any kind of lockdown restrictions. This is the sowing season, and every farmer of our State is urged to come out and carry out all the farming activities while maintaining social distancing. All concerned are also requested to ensure that the farming activities are carried out without any hindrances.

Today, the Hon’ble Chief Minister, along with the Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Hon’ble Speaker, Hon’ble Ministers, Hon’ble Leader of Opposition, Hon’ble Advisors, Hon’ble Member Lok Sabha, Hon’ble Member Rajya Sabha and the Hon’ble Members of Nagaland Legislative Assembly discussed the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the State in a meeting.

The Chief Secretary, Nagaland also gave an overview of the various steps taken by the Government since the emergence of COVID-19 as a threat, and informed of the various measures initiated for improving the level of preparedness of the State for combating COVID-19. In the health sector, the concerned department gave details of the steps taken for increasing their capabilities and the improvements carried out in the existing health infrastructure for combating the dreaded virus. The Additional Chief Secretary and Finance Commissioner gave an overview of the state of finances of the State in the wake of pandemic and the lockdown, and actions taken for mobilization of additional resources along with initiation of some of austerity measures for cutting down on expenditure. The Food and Civil Supplies Department also informed of the releases of PDS foodgrains as well as the relief rice during the lockdown period.

The Hon’ble Members both from the ruling and opposition present in the meeting actively participated in the discussion, shared opinions on the strategy to be followed for further improving the level of preparedness at all the levels in the State for fighting against COVID-19.

Speaking further on the level of preparedness of the Health Department for combating COVID-19, I would like to  inform that up till now the Department has received 9 consignments by Air, and 13 consignments by road, of essential medical equipments and accessories, and medicines. We also received another 2 consignments by Air, of the equipments for the upcoming BSL 3 Lab  atKohima and the BSL 2 Lab  at Dimapur. We now have more than 50,000 PPEs, about 2,75,000 triple layer masks, and more than 40,000 N95 masks in the state. We are continuously in the process of further strengthening our medical infrastructure and increasing our capabilities.

I would also like to inform that in order to facilitate surveillance to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, the Health Department in collaboration with the Police has started digital monitoring of people at risk as well as tracking patterns of diseases clustering.

Together let us combat COVID-19.