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District Administration Mon in collaboration with Baptist Pastor’s Fellowship Mon Town launched a Clean Election campaign on 13th February 2023 at Helipad Ground Mon Town. Deputy Commissioner Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma said the Election system is everywhere in the country, but the Election situation depends on the inhabitants of the people and societies. The election is free and fair in some places but in others, there is lots of corruption because of proxy voting, money, muscle power, etc. ECI deputes security forces from outside, Administrations, and police forces working just to give free and fair elections to the people. But unless we cooperate it will not work. Therefore, DC urged every individual present there to spread the message of Clean Election. He encouraged, especially the youngsters to value their vote and urged the people not to misuse their Right to Vote, no matter what background he/she is, the Value of vote is the same. He also appreciated the initiative taken by the churches.

KBCM Pastor, Rev. Nahngom, spoke on one man, one Vote and following the model code of conduct commissioned by ECI. He also said not to discriminate on caste, religion, or custom practices during the election. 

The programme and prayers were also conducted in various parts of Mon town by different Churches:

  1. Private Station:- Kuki Baptist Church, Phom Baptist Church, and Ao Baptist Church.
  2. New site Junction:- Police Church, Sangtam Church, Newsite Fellowship KCM, and Papong Fellowship KBCM.
  3. NST Junction:- 6th NAP Fellowship Mon, Tompang Fellowship KBCM, Chingai Fellowship KBCM Sumi Church, Gorkha Church, and Lotha Church.


(M. Pelih IA Mon)