iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Chief Medical Officer, Longleng has informed that the District Medical Board consisting of the following officers was constituted for service confirmation, invalidation, and commutation pension in respect of Grade -III & IV staff of the district as well as of the staff posted under Longleng district.

1. CMO : Chairman 

2. Dy. CMO : Member Secretary

3. DPO RCH (UIP) CMO : Member

4. Surgical Specialist (DH) : Member.

5. M&G Specialist (DH) : Member.


The next Medical Examination will be held on the scheduled dates in the Chief Medical Office Chamber for the year 2022 as shown below:-


1. 8th June (Wednesday) at 10.00 AM.

2. 7th September (Wednesday) at 10.00 AM.

3. 10th November (Thursday) at 10.00 AM.


In this regard, all the Heads of Departments have been requested to send the names of the intending candidates for the above purpose for which he/she desires to appear before the Board before 7 (seven) days of the scheduled dates. The first phase of the Medical Board of the year was held on 11th March 2022 at the office chamber of the CMO. 


(DPRO, Longleng)