iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie, in exercise of the power conferred by section 9(2) of the Nagaland land Requisition Act 1965, Acquisition Act 1884, duly authorized by the state Government as competent Authority has notified for general information that the land measuring 38325sqmts/412530sqfts/9.5 acres only at Tsiesema Village Kohima District, is required for acquisition for establishment of Professional College under RUSA, Higher Education Department. 

Therefore, if any person/party has any claim/objection over the said area, the same may be submitted to this office within a period of 30(thirty) days Wef- the date of this notification as per schedule shown below:

North   - Stream/Road

South   - Road

East     - Batu

West    - Stream/Road


(Shahlong IA)