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Deputy Commissioner Mon, Thavaseelan K, IAS inaugurated local vegetables Market at Konyak Nyupuh Sheko Khong (KNSK) building in Walo ward Mon on 18thJuly 2020. DC in his speech lauded the Walo ward for their active participation in making the Market come into reality. He also said that it was an auspicious day for the Walo ward as well as community as a whole of Mon Town.

Short speeches were delivered by Imnalensa, SP, Mon, Lomei President KNSK, Tongang Konyak, Walo ward President. The programme was chaired by Chumlamo, Humtsoe SDO (Civil) Sadar & Administration i/c MTC. The inaugural programme was observed with strict compliance to the safety measures as per government guidelines.


(APRO Aboi)