iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance to Government Order No. NSDMS-ER-COVID19/301/2020( Part II), Dated, 30th June 2021, Principal Director, Directorate of School Education, Shanavas C, IAS has notified that the following directives have been issued to all Teachers, School Heads and Officers serving under the Department of School Education:


  1. All Heads of Institutions should be in their respective place of posting and should attend schools regularly.
  2. A roster shall be prepared and notified so that 50 % of the teaching and non –teaching staff attends school on a particular day subject to adherence of COVID-19 behaviour at all times. The 50 % of staff not attending on any day shall work from home and shall be available on phone/mail for dealing with any urgent school works. 
  3. List of teachers not present at their respective place of posting as on 6th July 2021 should be submitted to the concerned DEOs/ Sr. SDEOs / SDEOs through email on 7th July 2021. The concerned DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs shall compile the lists and send the consolidated list to the Directorate through email (director.se.nagaland@gmail.com) on or before 9th July 2021.    
  4. School Heads should prepare class wise list of students not taken admissions in the format (Sl. No./ Name of Student  /Gender/ Class/Total No. of students supposed to take admission in that Class/ Name of School/District) in MS Excel File and submit to respective DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs on or before 9th July 2021. Concerned DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs shall compile the data and upload the same at the File shared with them through Google Drive on or before 13th July 2021.    
  5. School Heads should contact Parents/Guardian of dropout students with the help of Teachers/NGOs/Student Bodies/Church Leaders and encourage admitting their children to appropriate classes and resuming schooling.
  6. The last date prescribed for admissions in the Academic Calendar 2021 stands extended to 13/08/2021 for classes up to Class VII. The extended last date for admission to classes VIII and above shall be as per notifications issued by NBSE.
  7. Class wise list of students admitted through the above stated Special Admission Drive shall be submitted to the Directorate  of  School Education in the prescribed format( will be issued in due course of time)  during the period 14 to 18 August 2021.
  8. School Heads and Teachers should explore all possible ways to assist students in making best use of the Online/Offline Teaching-Learning activities being undertaken by the Schools and the Department.
  9. All possible efforts should be made to implement the directives/guidelines issued regarding Online/Offline mode of Teaching-Learning activities vide this office Notification of even number, Dated, 20th May 2021.
  10. All DEOs/ Sr. SDEOs / SDEOs should assign Inspection duties to JEOs/AEOs/SISs posted in their establishments and ensure that these officials inspect schools assigned to them regularly.