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The Directorate of School Education has notified for the information of all concerned that as part of the ongoing celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM), the Department of Posts (DoP), Ministry of Communication, along with the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, propose the ‘75 Lakh Post Card Campaign’, as per the following details:

i.        Period of the Campaign: 1 – 20 December, 2021.

ii.      Participation: Students of Classes IV to XII of all schools.

iii.    What is to be done?

Students shall write a Post Card on any of the two topics- “Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle” and “My vision for India in 2047”.

iv.     Availability of the post cards:

·The Post Cards shall be available at the local Post Office of the respective schools. Department of Posts (DoP) shall put a rubber stamped address on each Post Card used in the Campaign. The Post Cards shall be addressed to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, South Block, New Delhi-110011.

·Local Postal Authorities and Schools shall coordinate for arranging the Post Cards for students.

·Schools/Students can purchase the Postcards @ 50 paise per Post Card

v.       Role of the School Heads: The School Heads shall:

·Arrange Post Cards for all interested students of the school through the local post office. They need to coordinate with the local post office.

·Organize the Post Card writing campaign in their respective schools on any of the days during the given dates of the campaign.

·Conduct a screening of all the post cards written by students.

·Shortlist a maximum of 10 post cards with the best ideas.

·Scan and upload these 10 post cards having the best ideas as a Single PDF File at the ‘Activity Report’ Tab of the DoSE School Monitoring Portal  ( https://school.dosenl.in/ ) during the period 21 – 23 December 2021.

·Hand over rest of all post cards to the local Postal Authorities, who shall send it to Nirman Bhawan Post Office, New Delhi through a Special Bag.

vi.     Language: Post Cards can be written in Hindi/English/any of the scheduled languages.

All School Heads shall submit the approximate number of Post Cards required for students of their schools at the ‘Activity Report’ of DoSE School Monitoring Portal ( https://school.dosenl.in/)  Tab during the period 04 – 06 December 2021.


School Heads may contact the following Nodal Officers from the Deptt. of Posts for any assistance:

1.      Shri Joy Justin Bongcher, Asstt. Superintendent of Post Offices:

-          Mobile No.9436465009 – For Districts of Kiphire, Kohima, Phek & Wokha.

2.      Smt. Akha-a Agnes, Sub Divisional Inspector of Post Offices:

-          Mobile No.8415955048 – For Districts of Dimapur, Mon & Peren.

3.      Smt. Ebai-a Esther, Sub Divisional Inspector of Post Offices:

-          Mobile No.8132917887 – For Districts of Longleng, Mokokchung, Noklak, Tuensang & Zunheboto.