iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance to Government Order No.GAB-I/COM/GEN-4/2020, Dated, 28th October 2021, the following directives are hereby issued for strict compliance by all concerned.

1.      Schools located in Rural Areas of the State shall resume conduct of normal classes for students of Classes I to IV with effect from 1st November 2021 strictly following the SOPs issued by the Government vide Order No.GAB-I/COM/GEN-4/2020, Dated, 28th October 2021.

2.      Schools located in Urban Areas of the State shall resume conduct of normal classes for students of  Classes I to IV strictly following the SOPs issued by the aforesaid Government Order only after obtaining approval from the respective DTFs.

All DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs shall expedite collection of applications for Resuming of normal classes for students of Classes I to IV in the format prescribed by the respective District Task Forces under their jurisdiction and submit the same to the DTFs for necessary action without delay.

3.      The Approval Orders issued by the respective District Task Forces shall be communicated to the concerned schools by the DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs without delay.

4.      All School Heads, both in Rural & Urban areas, shall ensure that para 3 of Government Order No.GAB-I/COM/GEN-4/2020, Dated, 28th October 2021 is strictly complied with.  They should regularly update the Weekly Vaccination Status of Staff at the School Monitoring Portal (https://school.dosenl.in/) and maintain a file containing Vaccination Certificates/COVID-19 Test Results of all staff serving under their establishments.

5.      All DEOs/Sr. SDEOs/SDEOs shall depute Supervising Officers to conduct surprise checking at schools under their jurisdiction and ensure that schools comply with the directives issued vide the aforesaid Govt. Order Dated, 28th October 2021. The Supervising Officers shall submit weekly Inspection Reports to the undersigned in the prescribed format (Format will be issued separately) through email to reports.dosenl@gmail.com before 3:00 p.m. of every Friday.