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Nagaland Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Pangyu Phom paid a final inspection to the ongoing BSL 2 installation at CISHR Dimapur today 22nd June 2020 and said that the lab would be inaugurated within a few days time. The Minister was accompanied by Advisor IPR, SCERT, and VG, Toshi Wungtung and guided by Director CISHR Dr. Sedevi and Doctor Nito Yepthomi who will be heading the BSL 2 lab. The team visited the processing room, the RNA extraction room, sample storage room kept at minus 80 degree Celsius, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and explained in detail on how the BSL 2 would function. 

Director CISHR, Dr. Sedevi informed that ICMR has given approval for the lab and it would be operational once ICMR are satisfied with the test sample done with BSL2 and the results of which would be uploaded probably by tomorrow. “If ICMR are satisfied and happy they will give us the go ahead and the lab would be operational,” Doctor Sedevi informed. He also highlighted on the multi utility of such labs and explained that the lab facility could be used for several other conditions like TB, HIV, Hepatitis etc. and would immensely strengthen the medical facility/ infrastructure. Further, Dr. Sedevi also mentioned that many Naga medical scholars who are working and doing research in the mainland will get opportunity to come and work in Nagaland with the installation of such facilities. “Already 2 PHD Naga scholars have applied and one has already joined,” he informed.

Dr. Nito Yepthomi informed the visiting officials that 12 designated staff headed by him would be running the lab which will also comprise of two pathologists and one scientist who will be working in shifts. He also informed that the present strength of 12 staff would be able to test around 150 to 200 samples but cited that more manpower would be required if the sample goes beyond 200 per day.


(DPRO Dimapur)