iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto, in continuation of the earlier orders, circulars and notifications, sent out the following notification to all in Zunheboto District. 

  1. Total lock down of all entry points under Zunheboto District except for movement of essential commodities and those with exemption under special circumstances shall be implemented with immediate effect.
  2. Farmers and farm workers are hereby exempted to move to their respective fields in order to engage in regular farming activities. In this regard, shops providing fertilisers, seeds, and agricultural products related to farming activities are also hereby exempted.
  3. The timings for opening of exempted shops will be from 8AM to 11AM with effect from 31st March 2020. No unnecessary movements shall be allowed beyond these timings. Any person/group of persons acting in violation of this order shall be punishable under section 188 of the Indian penal code and also under section 51 to 61 of the disaster management act,2005
  4. Maintaining a social distance of at least 1 meter while shopping is to be strictly followed by the shoppers both while shopping and at all times.


(Sharon, IA Zunheboto)