iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Principal Secretary Health and Family Welfare, Menukhol John in exercising the powers conferred by the Nagaland Epidemic Disease (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020 under the Epidemic Disease Act 1897, identified Imkongliba Memorial District Hospital (1MDH) as COVID-19 HOSPITAL. He informed that the following alternative arrangements are to be prepared for the convenience of patients:

  1. No new patients will be admitted in IMDI-I w.e.f. 6lh April, 2020, until further notice.
  2. The existing in-patients requiring further hospitalization will be shifted to Lenjem Hospital (contact: 0369 2225226), provided they can be safely moved.
  3. New patients seeking emergency healthcare in IMDH will be diverted to Lenjem Hospital. Only emergency cases will be entertained.
  4. Medical expenditure for in-patients who are shifted or new emergency patients who are referred will be worked out with the concerned hospital.
  5. Any patient shifted or referred by IMDH to Lenjem hospital will carry an authorization order from MS, IMDH.
  6. Free benefit will be provided to AB-PMJAY beneficiaries as per guideline.

He further added that for any query one may contact:

  1. State Control Room: 9099607609/ 7085444710
  2. District Control Room (Mokokchung): 7630007954 / 7628854582


(Esuihangle, IA)