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Deputy Commissioner Dimapur Anoop Kinchi IAS, applauded the collective effort of Lotha Baptist Church Diphupar (LBCD) and the Lotha Community Diphupar for their commendable initiative towards a cause in fighting COVID-19 pandemic specially for preventing community transmission.

Visiting the ongoing construction of Quarantine Centre located near LBCD on 11th June 2020, Anoop said he was impressed with the Quarantine huts  measuring 10 by 8 which has a Naga traditional touch, proper electrification, stand fans in each hut, and full floor carpeting of the huts. DC further observed that a kind of bench made of Bamboo and placed outside each hut and the airy and spacious ambience with a separate toilet and bathroom for each quarantine which has been set in place would be the perfect and comfortable home for the inmates.  He even suggested that later on, the huts could be utilised for the visiting tourists for income generation as well as promoting rural tourism.

Anoop Kinchi while appreciating the Church and Lotha community Diphupar also donated masks and also assured to provide disinfectants for spraying in the Quarantine area. 

During an interaction with DC Dimapur, the Chairman of Lotha Community Diphupar, Zuchumo Mozhui said that returnees after completion of 14 days  quarantine in Institutional government quarantine centers has been advised for home quarantine for 14 more days for the safety of all. However, Mozhui shared that in some cases home quarantine were not found to be feasible due to the presence of elderly man/ woman, pregnant women, children and absence of separate rooms, toilets, bathrooms. Therefore, under the directive of Diphupar Village council all the respective communities were asked to set up QC for such cases as a preventive measure for community transmission and for which Diphupar Lotha community along LBCD initiated the project with generous donations from Diphupar Lotha Church/ community members.

Diphupar Lotha Community COVID 19 Convenor, Zuben Patton informed that around 15 returnees from Diphupar Lotha community are expected as per the list. He also informed that in all the huts electricity connection has been done, floor carpeting, stand fans, folding bed, bucket, Mugs and nitty gritties. So far 5 huts with separate toilet and bathroom facility is almost completed and within 2 days it will be fully ready, Zuben informed.  With the generous contribution by the community members action plan has been going smoothly thus far and more huts would be constructed as there are enough space which the LBCD has generously given permission for using the church land. All construction works are undertaken by the Lotha community members where work distribution has been allotted sector/colony wise. 

On 11th June, the Diphupar Lotha Students and Diphupar Lotha Youth were on the job. GB Diphupar Lotha Colony, Thechamo Ngully while expressing concern about the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, appealed to one and all for extending cooperation to the District administration and all frontline workers in the fight against Corona Virus. Let us unite together and defeat COVID 19, he urged.

The initiative of Diphupar Village council for  preventing community transmission by directing the different communities under Diphupar to check the feasibility of home quarantine and to take up alternative arrangements qualifying all criteria/ protocols of QC wherever needed is indeed very encouraging. The positive response of the different communities under Diphupar village clearly indicates their zeal and commitment for fighting the pandemic unitedly.


(DPRO Dimapur)