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A two day training programme aimed to equip community leaders with knowledge and skills on how to protect themselves and the community from COVID-19, organised by Christian Institute of Health Sciences and Research (CIHSR) in collaboration with district administration and DMC, got underway at Dimapur on 9th July 2020.

Administrator, DMC, Albert Ezung, while delivering the welcome address at Lotha Community Hall said that the training programme is an important initiative to create awareness and build the capacities of the community leaders and volunteers who play critical role in preparedness and response at community level. Calling for collective effort to fight against the pandemic, Ezung said that frontline workers alone cannot fight the COVID-19 pandemic. He also expressed sincere appreciation to CIHSR for the initiative.

During the training session, HoD, Medicine, Dr.Megongusie Meru, explained in detail about COVID-19, how it spread, spectrum of illness severity, different types of tests, outcome of infection and quarantine facilities and its purpose.

Hospital Infection Control Nurse, Theyiesinuo, while speaking on Infection Prevention & Control highlighted infection prevention steps such as hand hygiene, face mask, cough etiquette, social and physical distancing, environment cleaning and disinfection. Clinical Psychologist, Imlibenla who was also one of the resource persons spoke on psychological care.

Other highlights of the programme included Q&As session and Action Plan. The programme was chaired by Consultant Community Health Department, Dr.Naro Imchen.


(Watimenla/Sebu, IA Dimapur)