iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

With the LOCKDOWN entering the second week in the state and restriction on movement of vehicular as well as human traffic, citizens of Kohima, like everywhere else in the country are beginning to encounter certain hardships due to this enforced regulation. While the government is ensuring availability of essential commodities to all possible extent, the fact that the capital reels under water shortage even in normal times is now increasingly becoming a cause for greater concern. Towards trying to mitigate this problem and till such period the lockdown continues, the Kohima Municipal Council shall, wef the 7th of April, 2020 extend assistance to all the colonies (recognized and unrecognized) within its jurisdiction and:

  1. distribute Syntex water tanks of 2000 ltrs capacity to each of the colonies
  2. supply 2000 ltrs of water free of cost to these colonies (as far as possible on a daily basis, if not on alternate days)
  3. the target group shall be the daily wage earners and the poorest of the poor.

All wards to:

  1. identify the water receiving points as per the number of such locations listed against their respective wards by the KMC office
  2. identify genuine beneficiaries
  3. appoint volunteers to supervise and monitor the distribution of water in a systematic manner so that chaotic scenes are avoided and strict social distancing is maintained at all cost.

For any queries or clarifications, one may contact mobile no. 9436001089.