As per the directive from the State Government to pursue aggressive testing by the Department of Health & Family Welfare during the lockdown, the Kohima District Task Force (DTF) on COVID-19 has been conducting aggressive random sampling since the declaration of containment zone declared by the Government. Taking the advantage of the containment zone and total lockdown, the DTF has been carrying out random sampling till date at various locations in order to ascertain the prevalence of Covid-19 among high risk and highly mobile population within kohima.
The random sampling was conducted on 17th May 2021 at New Market and Bayavü colony, Kohima. The medical team led by Chief Medical Officer Kohima, Dr. Vezokholu Theyo, district administration, police, APO, AYO and ASU carried out the random sampling drive today. The team has been actively engaged in the collection of random sampling and COVID related activities undergoing in the district.
As on 17th May 2021, the cumulative results of the samples collected so far from the category of taxi drivers, shopkeepers, labourers and home delivery personnel as per colony wise is as follows:
At Lerie colony, a total of 35 samples were collected where 20 were detected as positive; PWD colony out of 30 samples, 20 detected as positive; Paramedical (Merhülitsa) 22 samples collected 13 positive; New Ministers’ Hill 28 collected 15 positive; AG 20 collected one (1) positive; Peraciezie 59 collected 42 positive; P.R. Hill 31 collected 18 positive; Jail colony 57 collected 38 positive; Keziekie 38 collected 12 positive; Naga Bazaar 62 collected 33 positive; Daklane 21 collected 18 positive; Kitsubozou 56 collected 30 positive; D' Block 53 collected 14 positive and Hospital colony 41 collected 27 positive.
(DPRO Kohima)