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Self Help Groups of Noklak village under the aegis of Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission (NSRLM) and the initiative taken by Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU), Noklak in collaboration with the Administration of Noklak organised selling of vegetables and other local products at daily market, Noklak town on 25th April 2020. 

The sales activity has been carried out in view to support and help the farmers during the lockdown on COVID-19 pandemic and also to reach out to the citizens as well.

BMMU has also informed that marketing will be held twice in a week (Wednesday & Saturday) by SHGs and Village Level organizations. One may book the items in advance through phone call/SMS/WhatsApp to the following phone numbers; 8414834627/ 6009119166/ 7005959766.

During marketing, precautionary measures had been maintained like social distancing, wearing of mask, Hand wash etc.

(APRO & K.K.Chim, IA Noklak)