iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In excise of Power conferred by Section 6 & 7 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, the Government of Nagaland has constituted the Nagaland Consumer Protection Council for the State of Nagaland with the following Members:-

1.         Minister-in-charge of Consumer Affairs of the State: Chairman

2.         Advisor, LM&CP: Member 

3.         President, Nagaland Volunteer Consumer Organization(NVCO): Member

4.         Chairman, Kohima Municipal Council : Member

5.         Nominee from the Department of Consumer Affairs, GOI: Member

6.         Commissioner & Secretary, IPR, Nagaland : Member

7.         President, Kohima Chamber of Commerce: Member

8.         Chairperson, Naga Mother's Association: Member

9.         Secretary, LM&CP : Member

10.       Additional Controller &HOD, LM&CP: Member Secretary


The objects of the State Council shall be to render advice on the promotion and protection of Consumer Rights under the Act within the State.

  1. The State Council shall meet as and when necessary but not less than two meetings shall be held every year.
  2. The State Council shall meet at such time and place as the Chairperson may think fit and shall observe such procedure regarding the transaction of its business, as may be prescribed.