iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Nagaland Board of School Education has notified for information of all concerned that:

1.      Candidates who could not fill up their Online Application Forms for the ensuing examinations of HSSLC, HSLC and Compartmental HSLC 2022 due to various reasons will be given one last chance to do so w.e.f. 6th to 8th December 2021.

2.      Intending candidates of all categories are directed to submit their forms online through the Board’s Portal www.nbsenl.edu.in.

3.      A late fee of `500/- (Rupees five hundred) along with the examination fee will be paid by such candidates.

4.      All Heads of Institutions and Centre Superintendents are requested to inform the students, guide them to fill up the forms and verify the forms for submission within the specified time. Students should be informed that the photograph and the signature must be clear.