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 The Kohima District held a Tabletop Exercise at DC's Conference Hall on 1st November 2023 in view of holding Mega Mock Exercise on Earthquake Disaster on 2nd November 2023.

Deputy Commissioner, Kohima, Kumar Ramnikant, during the Tabletop Exercise, urged all the stakeholders to have clarity on their assigned responsibility and take the Mock Exercise very seriously as if we are handling a real time scenario of the natural disaster since Nagaland Emergency Preparedness Exercise (NEPEx) is being organised statewide to test state's preparedness and its response in the real time scenario. The DC also informed general public not to panic when the Siren is sounded but to co-operate for the said Exercise.

Superintendent of Police, Kohima, Bharat Laxman, who also spoke asked the stakeholders to not take this exercise as a normal annual event but give cent percent seriousness by visualising the real time situation when undertaking the Mock Exercise.

Assistant Manager NSDMA and Nodal Officer for Kohima District, Theja Zao gave a brief introduction of the Mock Exercise and overview of Incident Response System (IRS). The Kohima District will stage a simulating earthquake of 7.1 magnitude.


(DPRO & Khekiye IA Kohima)