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To mark the 4th Anniversary of the National Education Policy 2020 on 29th July 2024, the School Education Department is organizing 7 days run-up activities from 22nd July to 28th July 2024 at all levels of School Education Department.

The Shiksha Saptah event envisaged to conduct various thematic activities for 7 days starting from 22nd July 2024. The Ministry of Education, Government oIndia has provided a comprehensive suggestive activity for each day to culminate with Community Involvement and Tithi Bhojan marking celebration of special occasion by sharing food. In this regard, some State specific suggestive activities have been prepared for the schools as a guide in planning the activities during this event.

Since the 7th day of the event falls on Sunday i.e 28th July 2024, the activity for the day may be conducted along with the 6th day activities on 27th July 2024. The District and EBRCs shall extend all possible hand holding support to schools in planning and conducting the activities.

The mentioned activities are suggestive in nature. Schools can conduct any relevant activities as per the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education, Government of IndiaAll the schools shall submit daily activity report by 2:00 PM through google form. Submission of report by every school shall be made mandatory.

