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A Farewell programme in honour of the outgoing DC, Chumoukedima, Abhinav Shivam, IAS was held on 31st July, 2024 at DPDB hall, DC Office, Chumoukedima.

In his farewell speech, DC, Abhinav Shivam, IAS shared his experience when he first joined. He said that during his 2 and half years tenure he wouldn't have been so efficient as he is now but with the support of officers and staff have make a positive impact in his life. He said that everything of what he has achieved is because of all the cooperation they have put forward. He pointed that during his tenure none of the officers or staffs have failed him and if there is any gaps or failure than that is his failure on his part as a leader. He expressed his gratitude for the love and affection he received from the people of the district during his tenure.

He stressed that an officer is only successful if the staff are efficient and added that the support and coordination of various departments were extremely helpful in addressing various issues during his tenure. The journey comes to an end but happy that the incoming DC will carry the baton further and encouraged the officers and staff to give the same team work and support to the new DC as they have given to him.

He further stated that, Chumoukedima district is a land of opportunity and it has a long way to go ahead but he is sure that the district will grow with the best contribution from the officers and staff. Administration is all about teamwork, and requested the officers and staff to follow the same path of coordination. 

Incoming DC, Polan John, NCS, in his speech stated that the outgoing officer was the most capable, competent and efficient IAS officer and under his leadership has managed the district very well. He said that Chumoukedima was a product from a scratch and outgoing DC was an instrument to what it is today. He mentioned that as a new district there must have lots of issues and must not have been an easy task to address but through his effort he has make a mark in the district and he will be picking up only where he left. He is grateful to the outgoing DC for his efficient effort that he has put forward towards the real need and issues of the district. 

He requested the officers and staff for their cooperation and looking forward to working with them in the days to come. On behalf of the district, seek support and cooperation in managing the affairs of the district together working as a team and try to forge ahead and bring improvement and positive changes in the district. In conclusion, he conveyed his best wishes for his next assignment.

ADC, Medziphema, James Swu speaking on behalf of the administrative officers, described the outgoing DC as efficient and knowledgeable officer. When he first joined the office as a DC in the district there was nothing but with his leadership started from almost nothing and grateful how far he has taken the districts to greater heights. He thanked the DC for guiding and moulding the officers & staffs and wished him the best for his future endeavours.

The farewell programme was chaired by SDO(C) & RO Chumoukedima, Thejavizo Nakhro. Speeches on behalf of DBs was proposed by P. Kedokhrielie, PA to DC; Speech on behalf of DC Office Staff by LDA, Kenneth Zalipu; Speech on behalf of HoDs by DAO Chumoukedima, Bodevi Shuya; speech by DCP and Special Song by Vibeizono Khro.


(Tovikali, IA, Chumoukedima)