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Launching of Awareness Campaign on National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was organised by District Administration, Dimapur in Collaboration with Green Campus Committee, DGC on 29th of August 2024 at the Seminar Hall, Dimapur Government College. 

In the Awareness Campaign programme, Dr. Tinojongshi Chang, NCS, Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur in his speech said that, Kohima and Dimapur are below the average of air quality. And to make a better air quality, it can be done by creating this awareness campaign through the Students. He noted that Nagaland is not an industrial state the main source of pollution issue was through vehicle, dust and burning of wastes. Dr. Chang also emphasized the importance of pollution by saying that if not now, the future will be difficult for the younger generation.

Kezhaleu Hesso, Vice Principal, Dimapur Government College in her addressed said that the college's commitment to environmental sustainability and its efforts to create a green healthy campus will be put effortlessly and will make an ideal starting point for the Awareness Campaign from the DGC.

The programme was chaired by Imlijungla E.A.C Dimapur. invocation by Dr. Hannah Tia, Asst. Prof, Department of Sociology and a presentation was delivered by Nyamnyei Konyak, B.A 3rd Semester.


(Limatoshi, IA Dimapur)