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Phek District Planning & Development Board meeting was held under the chairmanship chairman DPDB Phek and Advisor, New & Renewal Energy Z. Nyusietho Nyuthe, at DPDB Hall, Phek on 11th March 2025,

The house discussed on registration of society in respect of Ruzazhomi Students' Union of Ruzazho Village, which had been duly verified by the concerned administrative authority to which the house recommended it to higher authority for approval.

Presenting the department activities, Dy. CVO & CVO i/c Phek, Dr. Esther Krocha, shared on current activities of the Veterinary & Animal Husbandry department in detail. She highlighted about their assigned jobs and responsibilities on caring of animals for food production.

Activities of PWD (Housing) Phek Division was highlighted by Junior Engineer (Housing) Phek Division, Julia Kajiri, where Government plans for construction of new buildings in the Phek Division were highlighted in her presentations.

Advisor, Z. Nyusietho Nyuthe commenting on the initiatives taken by PWD (Housing) for construction of new buildings, he also said that it is high time for the people of Nagaland to realise the problem of landownership which is the main obstruction of development and progress in the State.


(DPRO Phek)