iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

Deputy Commissioner Kohima, Gregory Thejawelie NCS, has informed that based on the consultations held with officials/members of the District Task Force, KCCI and KMC, the marketing days have been relaxed and permitted commercial establishments are allowed to remain open on all weekdays (Mon -Sat) from 7 : 00 AM to 04 :00 PM, with immediate effect.

However, Commercial Establishments falling under the categories mentioned below shall continue to remain closed till further orders:

  1. All shops selling secondhand items.
  2. All barber shops and salons.
  3. All tea stalls and hotels.
  4. Restaurants and fast food stalls may remain open only for takeaway deliveries. Serving of customers inside the restaurant is strictly prohibited and shall be liable for punishment.
  5. Shops selling Fish, chickens and fowls, pork, beef, mutton etc. shall not be allowed to open in the main markets. All such shops are advised to operate inside the colonies.
  6. Shops located at the markets mentioned below: -


  1. T. Khel Market
  2. Mao Market

Town -

  1. Max Bazaar. (New NST area)
  2. Blue Market. (New NST area)
  3. Razou Point Market.

High School -

  1. Peraciezie Market.

However the shops at the road levels may be allowed to run their business subject to maintenance of all safety protocols and strict supervision by KMC & KCCI.

Dos and Don’ts:

  1. Multi-brand & single brand stores shall use all precautionary measures like masks, sanitizers, thermal screening, safety kits etc. They shall entertain only minimum number of customers at a time.
  2. The General Public is advised to have a pre-planned/prepared list of shopping in advance to avoid crowding during marketing.
  3. Proper social distancing should be maintained at all times.
  4. Shopkeepers shall mandatorily keep hand sanitizer/hand wash in all shops/complexes.
  5. Customers without masks should not be entertained by shopkeepers.
  6. Shopkeepers shall mandatorily wear masks/gloves to serve the customer.
  7. All shopkeepers should compulsorily maintain limited entry of customers in their respective shops as per the size of the shop for social distancing, at all times.
  8. The KMC & KCCI shall ensure that proper and visible board displaying all the rules and norms must be kept in every shop/complex/malls.
  9. The use of masks in public places is mandatory. Defaulters shall be strictly punished as per law.
  10. Any shop/commercial establishment not strictly following orders shall be penalized and the concerned shop/commercial establishment shall be closed.

This is for information and strict compliance of all concerned.


(Morotsung Longchar, IA Kohima)