iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In pursuance to the Government of Nagaland, dated 4th August 2020, the DTF Kiphire has decided the following guidelines in all the quarantine centers in the district with effect from 18th August 2020.

  1. All quarantine shall pay for their mess expenses/ fees which have been fixed at Rs.370/- per head per day. The mess shall be inclusive of lunch, afternoon refreshment and dinner.
  2. All advance payment for 7 (seven) days shall be made to the control (DC Office) by parents / guardians at the time of depositing the bedding/ toiletries for the quarantines.
  3. Any returnees/ patient discharged from the quarantine centers /COVID care centers / COVID-19 Hospital for the home quarantine shall arrange their own transportation to go home.

(Wangshikokla, IA kiphire)