iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)
  1. Only eligible for persons who do not have symptoms or having very mild symptoms after the medical officer certifies.
  2. Not eligible for patients who are HIV+, transplant recipients, on cancer therapy etc, while elderly patients and people with hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic lungs/lever/kidney disease etc shall be allowed only after proper evaluation.
  3. Facility of single bedroom with proper ventilation is mandatory and preferably with attached or separate bathroom. Must keep appropriate disinfectants, mask and gloves.
  4. Patient must apply for approval to the District Surveillance Officer with copy to village council/town council/ municipal council, following which the medical team will examine and certify.
  5. Patient should download the nCOVID-19 Nagaland-visitors app, select ‘mark yourself in quarantine’ and mandatorily enter into the app twice daily.
  6. Medical team will also conduct telephonic monitoring of symptoms.
  7. Home isolation will be for 14 days followed by 14 days home quarantine if no symptoms.
  8. If symptoms develop, patient will be shifted to COVID hospital depending on the severity of symptoms.
  9. Violator(s) of the SOP will be penalized as per the relevant section of the Disaster Management Act 2005, and the Nagaland    Epidemic Disease (COVID-19) Regulations 2020

For step by step instructions for the home isolation of asymptomatic COVID-19 patient, visit https://nagahealth.nagaland.gov.in or call State Health Helpline 1800-345-0019