iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



In pursuance to sub section (1) & (2) of Section 66 (1) & (2) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and sub section (1) & (2) of Section 67 of the Nagaland Rights of persons with Disabilities rules 2019, the Government of Nagaland has re-constituted the State Advisory Board on disability to exercise the powers conferred on and to perform the function assigned to it under the provision of the aforesaid Act and Rules.

1.         Minister, i/c Social Welfare Deptt.                -           Chairperson, Ex-Officio

2.         Advisor, Social Welfare, Nagaland                -           Member, Ex-Officio

3.         2 (two) NLA members to be nominated by

the Nagaland Legislative Assembly               -           Member, Ex-Officio

4.         Chief Secretary, Nagaland                              -           Vice Chairperson, Ex-Officio

5.         AHOD, Finance Deptt.                                   -           Member, Ex-Officio

6.         AHOD, Health & Family Welfare Deptt.      -           Member, Ex-Officio

7.         AHOD, Information Technology &

Communication Deptt.                                   -           Member, Ex-Officio

8.         AHOD, Industries & Commerce Deptt.         -           Member, Ex-Officio

9.         AHOD, Lab. & Emp. & Skill Dev.,

Craftsman & Training Deptt.                         -           Member, Ex-Officio

10.       AHOD, P&AR Department                            -           Member, Ex-Officio

11.       AHOD, Rural Development Deptt.                -           Member, Ex-Officio

12.       AHOD, School Education Deptt.                   -           Member, Ex-Officio

13.       AHOD, Science & Technology Deptt            -           Member, Ex-Officio

14.       AHOD, Social Welfare Deptt.                       -           Member, Ex-Officio

15.       AHOD, Transport Deptt.                                -           Member, Ex-Officio

16.       AHOD, Works & Housing Deptt.                  -           Member, Ex-Officio

17.       AHOD, Urban Development Deptt.               -           Member, Ex-Officio

18.       AHOD, Youth Resource & Sports Deptt.      -           Member, Ex-Officio

19.       State Commissioner for Persons with

Disabilities, Nagaland, Kohima.                     -           Member, Ex-Officio

20.       Members experts in the field of disability and rehabilitation

a. Representative from DDRC Dimapur District Hospital

21.       Members to represent the districts:-

1 (one) Representative from the office of the Commissioner, Nagaland representing the District-level Committees on Disability.

22.       Members to represent the NGOs concerned with disabilities:-

1 (one) Representative each from the 5 (five) groups of specified Disabilities as mentioned in the Scheduled of the Rights of Persons With disability Act 2016 - either an individual with disability - or from an NGO working in the area of any specified disabilities.

23.       Representative from Confederation of Nagaland Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CNCCI)

24.       Director, Social Welfare                                 -           Member Secretary

Terms and conditions of service of members:

  1. A member of the State Advisory Board under SI. No. 21to 24 shall hold office for a term of 3 (years) from the date of nomination. Provided that such a member shall notwithstanding the expiration of his term, continue to hold office until his/her successor enters upon his office.