The Directorate of School Education has notified that all schools (both Govt. & Private) functioning within the State of Nagaland shall resume conduct of online classes with effect from 24th May 2021 adhering to the following directives. However, conduct of regular classes through normal mode shall remain suspended until further notice.
- The duration for online classes for pre-primary students should not be for more than 30 minutes per day. For classes I to VIII, two online sessions of 45 minutes each Or three online sessions of 30 minutes each per day and for classes IX to XII, four sessions of 30-45 minutes each per day shall be conducted.
- Teachers and students may make use of the Video Lessons broadcasted for classes V to XII during the lockdown period 2020 which are available in Department’s Youtube Channel (DoSE Nagaland) and Facebook Page (School Education, Nagaland). Use of DIKSHA Platform ( and SWAYAM Portal ( ) is encouraged.
- Teachers shall prepare Explanatory Notes, Worksheets, Assignments etc. for topics given in text books/syllabus for Classes I to XII and share with students through Online/WhatsApp mode.
- After lifting of Total Lockdown: School Heads shall make arrangements to distribute the Notes, Worksheets/Assignments etc to Parents/Students once or twice in a week on different days/timings for different classes following the SOPs notified by the State Government from time to time.
Parents/Students shall be notified for submission of the completed Worksheets/Assignments on specified days at different intervals of time for different classes. Schools shall collect the completed Worksheets/Assignments and distribute new Notes, Worksheets/Assignments etc along with feedbacks of the previous Worksheets/Assignments submitted.
- Parents may be encouraged to take interest/part in the Worksheets/Assignments of their children and assist in Online/Digital mode of education as far as possible.
- School Heads shall ensure that only a reasonable number of Worksheets/Assignments which can be completed by students through self study are given to students.
- Delivery of Education should be the focus and not completion of the syllabus.
- A Study Time Table for students may be prepared by parents for use at home.
- Care should be taken by all concerned to follow COVID Appropriate Behaviour at all times. The SOPs notified by the Government vide Order No.NSDMA/ER-COVID19-301/2020(Part II) Dated, 29th April 2021 shall strictly be followed.
- The following directives are issued for strict compliance by all Teachers & School Heads serving in Government Schools:
- Teachers shall record details of Notes, Worksheets/Assignments prepared, distributed and feedbacks given etc in a note in the format given in Teachers’ Diary and the same shall be checked and countersigned by the School Heads regularly(New Teacher’s Diary will be issued soon).
- School Heads shall upload Daily Activities in the Online School Monitoring Portal ( w.e.f. 26/05/2021 before 4 pm of all working days along with attendance report of teachers.
- Teachers who left their place posting during the Summer Vacation shall conduct online classes from their present place of stay till such time interdistrict/intradistrict travel are allowed by the Government.
- It is mandatory for all Government School Teachers (including School Heads ) to register at the Teacher’s APP. School Heads should ensure that all teachers serving under their establishment are registered at the Teacher’s APP.
Particulars of Teachers who have not yet registered at the Teacher’s APP due to Mobile Number mismatch may be submitted to ( through respective School Heads for necessary updating.