The Ministry of Education, Government of India has launched a Capacity Building Programme for Improving Quality of School Education through National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA). The NISHTHA is a holistic and integrated programme under Samagra Shiksha, a flagship programme of Ministry of Education, Government of India. The modules developed under NISHTHA are centred on learning outcomes and learner–centred pedagogy in line with the recommendations of NEP 2020 and aims at holistic development of teachers and school heads in a time bound manner. In the current year, the programme will cover training of Secondary and Higher Secondary Teachers through online mode and will be coordinated by the Samagra Shiksha, Nagaland.
The Training is for six months, starting from August 2021 to January 2022 in which twelve Generic Courses and one Subject Specific Pedagogy will be covered.
The Department of School Education, Government of Nagaland has directed the Registered Private Schools under NBSE to be part of this training programme. Therefore, to meet the requirement of the Continuous Professional Development, the Nagaland Board of School Education has directed all the Private Schools registered with the NBSE to enroll i.e. the Heads of Institutions and the teachers of Secondary and Higher Secondary for the said training without fail within 31st July, 2021. Further information and guidelines on the courses will be intimated on registration.
The digital clips on the steps for registration online shall be made available in the Board’s Portal