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Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCW) has appealed to all stakeholders to observe “World Day against Trafficking in Persons: Victims Voices Lead the Way”, on 30th July, 2021. The commission stated it wishes to take the micro level approach by listening to and learning from survivors of trafficked women and the girl child, in order to map future action plans towards prevention and rehabilitation. It stated that the ongoing pandemic is seeing maximum cases relating to compromising women /girls’ safety, both within and outside of the state. 

Victims Voices Lead the Way: The year’s UNODC theme puts victims of human trafficking at the centre of the campaign and will highlight the importance of listening to and learning from survivors of human trafficking. Chairperson, Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCW), Khrienuo Tachu, said that the campaign portrays survivors as key actors in the fight against human trafficking and focuses on the crucial role they play in establishing effective measures to prevent this crime, identify and rescue victims and support them on their road to rehabilitation.

The Commission added that many victims of human trafficking have experienced ignorance or misunderstanding in their attempts to get help and that they have had traumatic post-rescue experiences during identification interviews and legal proceedings. Some have faced re-victimization and punishment for crimes they were forced to commit by their traffickers. Others have been subjected to stigmatization or received inadequate support, it said.

It asserted that the evil of human trafficking, especially of women and the girl child, must end and urged everyone to come together and stand against trafficking in persons.

