In continuation with the first phase of awareness drive on HIV & AIDS, TB and Blood Donation in the identified Schools and Colleges within Kohima district, today the District Level for implementation of New India@75 activities reached out to the students of Christ King Hr. Sec. School and Holy Family Hr. Sec. School, Kohima and conducted the awareness programme. The same awareness programme on virtual mode was also conducted for students of GHS Chandmari, Kohima on the day. The programme was organised under the aegis of National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of H&FW, GoI.
DIS DAPCU, Dr. Vituozolie Kuotsu; DTO Kohima, Dr. Akaba; Dy. Director (SPM) NSACS, President Voluntary Blood Donor's Association Kohima, Ainato Yeptho; Coordinator Kripa Foundation & Executive Chairman VBDA, Bendang Imsong and Asstt. Director (VBD) NSACS & Executive Member, VBDA, Kohima, Alipoker were the resource persons during the awareness drive.
(DPRO, Kohima)