iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

In view of the arrival of the Third Wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, and the rapid surge in COVID-19 cases, the State Level War Room on COVID-19 has been re-activated with the Chief Secretary & Chairperson of State Executive Committee, Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority, (NSDMA) as the Chairman, and Members from the key line departments.

The State Level War Room will ensure unity of command and control in the fight against COVID-19 in the State. It will further ensure sharing of all the relevant information on real time basis so that prompt and effective action gets taken by the concerned departments/ officials/agencies for preventing the spread of COVID-19, as well as for making prompt necessary interventions, whenever required, for further strengthening the health infrastructure and the clinical management of the COVID-19 patients.

The State Level War Room for COVID-19 will function at the Conference Hall of the Chief Secretary in Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima.


Composition of the Core committee members of State Level War Room for COVID-19 Pandemic:


1.      J Alam, Chief Secretary                                                          : Chairman

2.      T. John Longkumer, DGP                                                       : Member

3.      Sentiyanger, ACS & FC                                                          : Member

4.      A.S. Bhatia, Principal Secretary, H& FW                              : Member

5.      E. Mhonbemo Patton, Principal Secretary PHED                   : Member

6.      Abhjit Sinha, Home Commissioner                                         : Member

7.      Rovilatuo Mor, Commissioner, Nagaland                               : Member

8.      Kesonyu Yhome, Secretary Finance                                       : Member

9.      Lhouchalie Viya, Secretary, NSDMA, Home             : Member

10.  Dr. Neikhrielie Khimiao, Principal Director, H& FW             : Member

11.  Medozhalie Pienyu, Dy. Comdt General, HG&CD                 : Member


The following officers are attached to the State Level War Room to assist the Core committee in carrying out its functions:

1.      Shanavas C. Principal Director, School Education.

2.      Manoj Kumar, SP (Crime)

3.      Sachin Jaiswal, Jt. Secretary, Agriculture.

4.      Ajit Kumar Ranjan, Jt.Secretary, H&FW.

5.      Johnny Ruangmei, OSD, NSDMA, Home.

6.      Dr. Nyan Kikon, SNO, IDSP, H&FW.

7.      Nchumbemo Lotha, Dy. Secretary, Home

8.      Er. Namang Sepong Chang, Dy. Secretary to Chief Secretary.

9.      Veneikho Tetseo. Assistant Commissioner (HQ)

10.  M. Rollan Lotha, COO, NSRLM, RD.

11.  Er. Daniel Krocha, Deputy Director, IT&C.

12.  Rendemo Shitio, Asstt Manager (Resp & Com), NSDMA.

13.  Dr. Longri Kichu, Consultant, H&FW.

14.  Nongozo Rikha, Asst Director, IPR

15.  Er. Yanger Longkumer, Program Officer, IT & C

16.  Kozo Lasuh, UDA, School Education.

17.  Lumdemo Kikon, UDA, School Education.

18.  Kezeneilhou Mhasi. Asstt Program Officer, IT&C

19.  Bojivie Kevichu, Technical Asstt, IT&C

20.  Kumughato G Chophy, Asstt Program Officer, IT |

21.  Kenedy, SA Tribal Affairs.

22.  Enyuh Phom, SA SAB-A Home

23.  Imoliba, SA, P&AR |

24.  Akummeren Jamir, Information Assistant, IPR |

25.  Wepre Wetsah, Asstt Geologist, NSDMA |

26.  Dr. Hinotoli V Sema, Sr. Consultant, NSDMA.

27.  Kevingulie Kiewhuo, Consultant, NSDMA

28.  Tsapithong, Statistical Inspector, NSDMA


For any COVID-19 Pandemic related assistance, the following numbers may be called:

(a) +91 89294 07417 (24x7 Helpline)


(b) State Level War Room phone numbers:

0370 2270033

0370 2270010

email: warroomnagaland@gmail.com

(c) State Emergency Operation Centre (SEOC) NSDMA, Home Department.


Toll tree No. 1070

email: seoc.nsdma@ gmail.com
