The Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) has notified for information of all concerned that QR (Quick Response) codes are given in the new edition of the English, Science, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Alternative English textbooks of Classes IX and X introduced w.e.f. the academic session 2022. The QR codes have been given in all the major subjects to aid the teachers and students in the teaching and learning of the different lessons.
In line with the Competency-Based Education as envisaged by the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the Board has incorporated QR codes in the recommended textbooks. The QR codes have been placed in every chapter of the textbooks, and it can be assessed using the QR scanner app, bar code reader, or any other specific scanner app mentioned in the textbooks.
Contents/Topics to be found in the QR Codes for Classes IX and X:
1. English:
· Introduction to the lesson videos and texts.
· Meanings of difficult words with illustrations.
· Explanation videos with YouTube links.
· More Think and Write questions/extra study materials.
· Addition of Competency based questions in the chapters for both classes.
· Summary/Themes of Poetry pieces wherever required.
· More Introduction/explanation in some chapters and topics.
2. Science:
· e-textbook.
· Text Resources.
· Video Resources.
· Graphic Resources.
· DIKSHA Resources.
· Content explanation through audios and videos.
· Practice items containing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Short Answer Questions, Long Answer Questions, on competency based abilities, problem-solving abilities.
· Teacher Resources.
3. Social Sciences:
· The contents can be accessed using any QR code scanner.
· More Introduction/Explanation in some Chapters and topics.
· YouTube link for video explanation in some topics.
· Competency based MCQs with some picture identify questions in some chapters.
· Problem solving assessments.
· Case study.
4. Mathematics: The contents can be accessed using any QR scanner, or from the NCERT website : by typing the number given below the QR code in each chapter.
· Text Resources which include MCQs and exercises of Competency based questions testing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), and activities for Mathematics Laboratory.
· Video Resources which links explanation videos developed by the YouTube channel-NCERT OFFICIAL.
· Interactive Resources which links e-resources contents of the National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) developed by the CIET, NCERT.
5. Alternative English:
· Literature
a) Prose:
Illustrations and quotes about the theme of the chapters, related stories and speeches (text and audio), elements of folktales and activity, films and documentaries about real life events on the related topic, thematic videos, additional reading material and activity, additional questions with scoring key.
b) Poetry:
Web links, presentation to explain the text of the poems, poem analysis, further readings and activities.
c) Drama & Autobiography:
Text of the Original Short Story, review and analysis of the play/autobiography, additional comprehension exercises.
· Grammar: Grammar concepts explained in videos, worksheets.
a) Reading
Links to different types of reading passages such as factual, discursive, short stories, literary thoughts and ideas and poems.
b) Comprehension exercises.
· Writing: Additional practice questions for each type of writing exercise.
Therefore, all Heads of Institutions have been requested to take note and direct the teachers and students to make use of the e-resources given through the QR codes to understand the concepts with clarity and enhance their knowledge.