iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)

The Government of Nagaland has designated the ‘Nagaland State Social Audit Agency,’ a society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 as amended vide Societies Registration (Nagaland Third Amendment) Act, 2008 (Act No. l of 2009) bearing Certificate of Registration NO.HOME/SRC-7607 dated 08-08-2022, as an independent Social Audit Unit (SAU) headed by an independent Director.

The Social Audit will be responsible for the following :

A.    Build capacities of Gram Sabhas for conducting social audit and towards this purpose, identify, train and deploy suitable resource persons at village, block, district and state level, drawing from primary stakeholders and other civil society organizations having knowledge and experience of working for the rights of the people.

B.     Prepare social audit reporting formats, resource material, guidelines and manuals for the social audit process.

C.     Create awareness amongst the labourers about their rights and entitlements under the Act.

D.    Facilitate verification of records with primary stakeholders and work sites.

E.     Facilitate smooth conduct of social audit Gram Sabhas for reading out and finalizing decisions after due discussion.

F.      Host the social audit reports including action taken reports in the public domain.