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The Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Nagaland, K.G.Kenye had a meeting with Deputy Commissioner Kohima Gregory Thejawelie NCS along with Sr. SP Kohima, CMO Kohima, Administrator KMC, ADS Kohima and KCCI in DC's Office Chamber Kohima on 4th May 2020.

The MP informed that the meeting was convened as member of the National Standing Committee, GoI to take stock of food grains and other essential commodities position in the State starting with Kohima district today. He said the National Standing Committee is taking stock of food grains and essential commodities position across the country, where he has been appointed as a member for the whole North Eastern States. He therefore said that he will be visiting other districts of the State as well as the other NE States to take stock of the food grains and other essential commodities positions as well. 

In the meeting, the District Administration, KMC, ADS and KCCI gave report on the relief distribution activities and arrangement for availability of food grains and other essential commodities being carried out during this lockdown period in the district. The MP was of the view that the District Administration and KCCI plays the lead role here to ensure that every common man gets their share of all essential commodities, he therefore requested the district to streamline the demand of the consumers upto the consume points. "Let us take full advantage of this lockdown in recasting the network and setting everything in order" he added.

The MP asked KCCI to extend more coordination at the ground level and cooperate with the district administration as KCCI represent the public and has got more active role to play besides District Administration and KMC. He further asked ADS to update the demand of the grassroot level and also give monthly report on the stock position to the District Administration.

The MP, K.G. Kenye further lauded the District Administration, Medical, Police, KMC, KCCI and all other frontline workers who have been compel to execute their duties by risking their lives at this juncture and encouraged them to be more cautioned and responsible in their line of duties and be safe.

Deputy Commissioner Kohima Gregory Thejawelie NCS also said that during this lockdown, the district has faced with many challenges on daily basis and expressed that with those challenges the district has been learning and upgrading at certain satisfactory level of preparedness with coordination of all concerned departments, civil societies, Villages, wards and other Organisations in the district. He further thanked the MP for his concerns and guidance made for the district and assured to work on the concern raised by the MP for further improvement of the system and sought his continue support for the district.

(DPRO, Kohima)