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Tuensang witnessed the commemoration of the 70th All India Co-operative Week organized by the Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Society Tuensang. The event, held on 20th November 2023 at CKS Hall Tuensang, revolved around the theme "Role of Co-operative in $5 Trillion economy and SDGs." Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa, Deputy Commissioner Tuensang, graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour.

            Addressing the gathering, Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa emphasized the significance of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN. She drew attention to the presence of registered societies in every village of Tuensang District, noting that while many societies exist, several exhibit zero performance in transactions. Stressing the potential of Tuensang in organic vegetable production, she urged Self Help Groups (SHGs) to specialize in a single product and establish marketing linkages to uplift the economic status of societies. Furthermore, she called upon the Department of Co-operation to implement all central programs in the district, ensuring widespread benefits for the local populace.

            The program was chaired by Kiutsumong LDA, featuring a keynote address delivered by I. Chume Chang, Joint Registrar of Co-operative Tuensang. Short speeches were given by Patsoi, Chairman of Life Elachi Agri and Allied Society Ltd. The vote of thanks was extended by Chembise.


(Chingmak IA Tuensang)