iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



Executive Engineer, Transmission Division, Kohima Nagaland informs all the general public of Wokha district that, jungle clearance and maintenance programme of 132KV,66V & 33KV Lines is scheduled starting from 9th October 2021 till 16th October 2021 under Wokha district from 8:00AM to 3:00 PM in an effort to avoid disruption and facilitate stable power supply.

While the department shall try to minimize the total shutdown, there will be intermittent disruption of power supply in some pockets during the activity which is unavoidable.

Therefore, all the consumers and public have been requested to bear the inconvenience caused.

Schedule date for jungle cutting and clearance for Wokha district is as follows:

9th October 2021 to 10th October 2021 -132KV DOYANG to SANIS.

11th Oct 2021 to 12th Oct 2021- 132KV WOKHA to SANIS.

13th Oct 2021 to 16th Oct 2021- KOHIMA to WOKHA.


(Zubenthung, IA, Wokha)