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With reference to the news item, “Abolish post of PD School Education: RPP” in the local media, the Department of School Education, Nagaland has issue the following clarifications in the interest of the public.

In regards to the decrease in pass percentage of government school students, while accepting the poor performance, there is overall decrease in pass percentage in the state level as well as in private schools due to the pandemic related issues. It is pertinent to mention that the candidates of the HSLC 2022 batch suffered considerable amount of learning loss when they were in class 9 in the year 2020 as well as in class 10 during the year 2021.

In spite of the best efforts of the department to rationalize teachers, the state faces acute shortage of Mathematics and Science teachers and this too is a reason behind the decline in the examination results. As approved by the Cabinet, the department has already issued notification for recruitment of 63 numbers of Graduate Teachers (Maths) and 92 numbers of Graduate Teachers (Science). The recruitment process will be completed soon this will help the department to address the issue of shortage of Maths & Science Teachers in the State.

The issue of poor performance of students from government schools is a complex issue. Out of 251 Government High Schools, nearly 135 schools were not having Headmasters due to court cases between different groups of teachers. The department is now finalising the seniority of Graduate Teachers and promotions to the post of Assistant Headmasters will be carried out shortly. Another issue faced by the department is the instability in managing the posts of District Education Offices and Sub Divisional Education Offices.  In Educational Administration, the District Education Officers and Sub Divisional Education Officers play important roles in regards to Inspection and Supervision for the improvement of School Administration. Unfortunately officers at the verge of retirement are posted to these crucial posts due to unavailability of sufficient number of eligible officers with reasonable service period remaining and this short coming of instability in the District and Sub Divisional Educational administration remains unresolved.

In regards to the Light House (Nagaland Enhancing Classroom Teaching and Resources) project, it is a 5 (five) year mega project which aims to bring systematic changes from the grass root level of the education system. The project is introduced in the year 2021 and it is well known that planning and analysing the present status of the system is essential for taking forward the project to the implementation stage. The department has completed preparation of the position papers and changes can be brought gradually once the project is implemented starting from the grass root level. Teacher Attendance Monitoring System (TAMS), Education Management Information System (EMIS), Performance Incentive Grant (PIG) for SMC/SMDC and Creation of Light House School Complexes are some of the activities in the pipeline. Details of the NECTAR project can be accessed at the website www.nagalandeduproject.com or public are welcome at the NECTAR office at the Directorate of School Education to know the details of the project.

In regard to the issue of keeping IAS officers as Principal Director, School Education, the matter comes under the purview of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training). The cadre allotment was done vide the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2015 (Notification No. G.S.R. 1021(E), Dated, 30th December 2015 and the department is obliged to follow the regulations.
