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A sub-divisional level sensitisation programme for institution on implementation of Scholarship Scheme under SDEO Mangkolemba for both government and private schools was held on 13th April 2022 at Dobashi Hall, Mangkolemba.

Guidelines and criteria on Scholarship Schemes was presented by Jangsemba Tsudir, UDA (Scholarship) DoSE, Kohima, while a PowerPoint presentation on Scholarship was  delivered by Zurhetho Nyuthe, and Special Educator Status Report on District was  presented by Sanen, Coordinator.

Earlier, an introductory speech was proposed by Visetonuo Angami, State Nodal Officer Scholarship; welcome address was delivered by SDEO, Mangkolemba, S. Lanusangla and a short speech was also delivered by ADC, Mangkolemba, Dharam Raj IAS.

Altogether 50 representatives from different schools of the sub-division attended the programme.

(APRO Mangkolemba)