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Along with the rest of the state the organization of the Comptroller & Auditor General (AG) of India observes Audit Diwas on 16th November each year followed by an Audit Awareness Week throughout the country.  The   Accountant General Office held Audit diwas at hotel Saramati, Dimapur on 24th November, 2023.

Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur Dr. Tinojongshi Chang, NCS, in his welcome speech welcomed all the pensioners and officials from various offices.  Chang also encouraged the pensioners to take the opportunity given by the AG office and to share the grievances faced by them during the Audit Diwas.

A. Pitoho Chophy IA & AS, Principal Accountant General (A&E), Nagaland, speaking about the significance of the Audit diwas said that the objective behind the Audit Diwas is to celebrate the history of the organization, evolution and recognize the contribution of the organization to the governance of the country.

Chophy said that it gives the AG an opportunity to reach out to the stakeholder and it strengthens the Organization’s relevance, accountability and transparency in public governance in building relationships.

During the interaction with the public Senior Deputy General Audit, Kahoto J. Yeptomi encouraged the departments to send the pension papers to the AG six months before the employees retire so that the AG can start the pension process and hand over the pension books to the retiring employees on the day of their retirement. Yeptomi also encouraged the departments to send the retirement list of the employees who will retire to the AG office every year so that AG can start the retirement process according to the provisional list.

Personal copies of latest Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) and GPF Final payment were handed out to the pensioners during the Audit Diwas and the list was uploaded on the office website.

During the occasion various pavilions for Pension, GPF, RoP, Loan, Pay Slip, Inspection Report Settlement etc. were set up for awareness and grievance redressal. In addition, the AG also took up issues of settling outstanding Inspection Reports of Auditee units situated in Dimapur, Chumukedima and Peren during the audit diwas.

The program was chaired by Renjano Ezung, Assistant Audit officer.


(I. Tiakumla Ao, IA, Dimapur)