iprnagaland[at]gmail[dot]com (0370) 2271492 (Office)



To mark the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, 2021, DEF Peren will be organising an Online Anti-Drug Slogan competition under the theme "Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives" on 26th June, 2021.

  1. All citizens and Police Personnel of Peren District are welcome to participate in the competition.
  2. The Slogan should be submitted to the office e-mail ID prnslogancompetiton@gmail.com or WhatsApp No. 7005914817 in Jpf/Pdf format. Last date of submission will be 25/06/2021.
  3. The winner will be judged by the penal of judges and result will be declared on 26/06/2021 and uploaded at the Unit Facebook Page – Peren Police.
  4. The chosen Slogans will be awarded prizes as follows:

     1st Prize - Rs. 2000 /-

     2nd Prize - Rs. 1000 /-

     3rd Prize - Rs. 500 /-

  1. Participants have been requested to provide their bio-data such as Name, Age and Sex along with their contact no. along with the Slogan.

(DPRO Peren)