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The Dimapur District Transport office under the initiative of the Nagaland Pollution Control Board began a month-long awareness drive on the National Clean Air programme. The awareness campaign started at various strategic locations in and around Dimapur and Chumoukedima on 15th April 2023 under the leadership of D. Jambo, DTO Dimapur. 

During the campaign drive, the officials disseminate basic information about pollution caused by emissions from automobiles. Do's and don'ts tips to reduce pollution from automobiles were highlighted and distributed to the automobile users as paper flyers. The officials held short seminars with the automobile users on-road vehicles and Testing emission levels such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrocarbons (Hc), carbon monoxide (Co), and oxide of nitrogen (Nox) were checked free of cost during the campaign drive.

(Vihepu IA Niuland)