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Capacity Building Training for Frontline Health Workers (ASHA/AWW/ANM) on PCPNDT/MTP Act and association’s roles and responsibilities in commemoration of 10 Years celebration of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) organized by the District Hub for Empowerment of Women (DHEW) Mission Shakti, Department of Social Welfare in collaboration with District Administration, Health & Family Welfare Department and District Child Protection Unit was held on 4th March 2025 at Cultural hall, Shamator.

Gender Specialist of DHEW Mission Shakti, Kampenla chaired the programme, while Medical Officer, CHC Shamator, Dr. Mhathung shared the Roles and Responsibilities of the Frontline Workers.

EAC Shamator, Kudazo Swuro in his welcome address encouraged all the frontline workers, department officers and resource persons to be proactive and organise such awareness camps and programme more in the district in the days to come.

Short speeches were also delivered by Sr. Supervisor, Diethozo Sanchu and District Convenor (SEWA), Toshila.


(Makamchem, IA Shamator)